Tired of VDI for your remote workforce? Take a look at Secure BYO-PC.

Webinar, Sept 26, 2023 - 2:00 PM ET

Remote and hybrid work are here to stay. Many IT and security teams have looked to virtual desktops to help them secure their remote workforce but for many companies, this approach has often proved to be too complex, expensive and has high user frustration. In this demo webinar you will have a chance to learn more about Secure BYO-PC and how to secure remote work on any PC or Mac without the complexity and cost of VDI or having to lock down every computer.


  • The challenges of securing remote work on VDI
  • What is Secure BYO-PC and how can it help enable IT
  • Case studies on how companies are using Secure BYO-PC for their remote workforces
  • How to meet compliance needs and keeping sensitive data secure
  • See a live demonstration of Secure BYO-PC in action

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